Tuesday, May 28, 2013


When the ego is too high, its hard to say sorry even when i know i'm wrong
Things slightly change and i'm still learning to be matured
I'm learning to tolerate and lead
This habit of cursing... i need to change.. right?
All in all, i need to find my real me
Coz for now, i dont think i can understand myself yet

Friday, May 3, 2013


or actually 'self camera'
I'm trying to take a pretty selca but 

Maybe i need to try harder LOL

Wednesday, May 1, 2013


Hard disc pick a really nice day to have problem... urgh...
It's holiday and i am suppose to spend this day watching dramas!
I need a new hard disc... BUT
Main problem in my life = NO MONEY
My shopaholic inner self is really frustrated LOL
FT ISLAND is releasing Photobook  

and will release another album RATED-FT
and Hongki's movie will be out soon too

His movie will be showing in cinema in Malaysia
I'm so going to watch it.. anyone want to join me?
hahaha.... everyone is invited XD

So, back to the money problem.. can you guys see how frustrated i am now?
With all this FNC releasing  FTISLAND things makes is worst.. BAD FNC >.<